Once again, the Paediatric team at KDH organised a Christmas party for the children who they see on a regular basis in the outpatient department. It was a fabulous event that filled the hospital's courtyard with excitement and cheer.
The children received ice lollies on arrival, and there were activity stations set up with play dough, face painting and balloon animals. Santa arrived with all his joy to have photos and fun with the kids; the Marimba band got us jiving to their tunes and carols.
The party was arranged by the Paeds team with wonderful support from the Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Dieticians, who all serve KDH tirelessly and give even more at this time of year.
Thank you to everyone who generously donated money, time, skills and enthusiasm. And a special thanks to Dana and Tara Varney, 2 young ladies who contributed 50 gifts for the children plus 30 sweet-filled crackers, and who joined in with the festivities on the day to hand out gifts and have fun! Your commitment and enthusiasm were a great blessing to us.